Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rule #1: Eat

Everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Who decided that? I'm guessing it was a breakfast cereal company. The point is, breakfast is not necessarily the most important. Maybe lunch, when I need to get over the midday slump, is most important. Why not dinner? That's when I need to refuel after working all day. Where do snacks fall in the spectrum of significance? 

At the moment it doesn't really matter. In the last six to eight months I've dropped 6 sizes and over 40 pounds. If anyone tells me how they wish they could do that I think I will scream. Maybe /you/ struggle to loose weight but /I/ struggle to gain it. At the heart of the matter the problem is the same. It's about being a healthy weight.

My appetite drops off the face of the earth when I get stressed. Of course I loose weight during those times in my life. During one particularly terrible phase I was less that 95 pounds. While doing a job, a career, that was bad for in many ways, I barely managed to stay up to 110. Stress was the culprit. It had to be.

What's the problem now? I'm in a job I enjoy, surrounded by people I like working with. I'm good at my job and when I'm done for the day the work I do stays at work. Those characteristics were sorely lacking in my last job, the one had chosen as my career. Life has stress. That's the nature of life. The level I experience now is nowhere near what it was. Why, then, am I loosing so much weight? Clearly extreme stress is not the catalyst.


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