A friend recently introduced me to Oshun (in a manner of speaking). She is a Goddess of beauty, art, love, sweetness. I am absolutely enthralled with Her and the idea of Her. She is so much that the world needs.
From what I understand, She can be pretty tough to deal with sometimes. When She looses Her temper, She is capable of causing great destruction.
Really, I don't have much to say about Her because I don't know very much. I just know that I like Her.

My friend put together a sort of celebration, an Oshun-themed celebration. We danced, shared the blessings we are thankful for, and asked for blessings that we need. We had food and drink and decorated with fresh flowers. Everyone that came brought fresh flowers with them so the space we occupied was absolutely beautiful and smelled amazing. We had a wonderful time together, full of love and kindness and the wonderful things that make life worth living.
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