Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Everyday

Every day!

It's the same battles with the same people over the same things.

This job is bad for me. It's stressful and it's a stress that I can't walk away from. I must stay. It's my job to stay. No matter how rude and mean another person gets with me, I must accept it without getting my feathers ruffled. Preferably, I will still smile.

Every day!

I don't have the option of sitting down and taking a breather. I can't step away and count to 10. I must stay in the middle of the very thing that is causing me so much grief. My stomach churns and my ears ring.

I struggle with the people I am responsible for, trying maintain their attention. Keeping them focused on the intended topic is like catching cockroaches when someone flips on the light. They would much rather talk about bell-bottoms, staircases, boogers, and underwater basket weaving.

Cell phones are not allowed and I vigilantly watch for them and the ipods they believe they are so good at using on the sly. Texting. Flipping through music. Checking out the latest post on Instagram. Even making the occasional phone call.

Using computers is even harder. Once they are logged on, I must constantly monitor, ensuring they stay on task instead of playing minecraft, shopping, or watching you-tube. I feel like I'm playing a life-size version of the game where you bop the rabbits as they pop out of the holes.

I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally drained. Every day.

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